The NSS of WCC, despite the pandemic, has actively reached out to COVID-19 patients, helped supply water and medicines, conducted yoga sessions and webinars to improve health and create awareness among volunteers, and also rendered their help to the government in such endeavours.
True to its motto “NOT ME BUT YOU”, the National Service Scheme of Women’s
Christian College, has ventured into novel ways of reaching out to the needy, stepping out of their own comfort zones. In collaboration with Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC), around 50 volunteers have so far assisted COVID patients, ensured availability of amenities and also helped the government trace extended contacts of infected patients.
During Lockdown, online events were organised and attended by around 200
volunteers from their homes. Webinars on topics such as ‘Art of braving COVID’, ‘How not
to distress oneself during COVID-19 Pandemic’ and Career Building, Employability Skills,
Immunity and Gender Equality, were discussed extensively, creating awareness among
volunteers. Important days such as World Yoga Day, World Environmental Day, World
Population Day, World Suicide Prevention Day and International Day Against Drug Abuse
and Illicit Trafficking, were commemorated by organising webinars, quizzes, poetry writing
and drawing competitions for volunteers. A yoga session to boost immunity against COVID-
19 was conducted. Pranayama, a series of breathing techniques to clear impurities in the
respiratory system, was taught. The volunteers were also encouraged to practice it regularly.
In addition to this, over 200 volunteers planted trees in their homes, thus carrying on their
regular NSS work even during this global pandemic. They were also introduced to various art
and cultural competitions online with events such as Drawing, and Water, Face and Hand
The President of NSS, Ms Janani Shree P, a final year student from the Department of
History, volunteered with GCC, to take care of home-isolated COVID patients. She also
motivated nearly 100 people to get vaccinated against COVID. Furthermore, she helped in
supplying Kabasura Kudineer and medicines to the public.
NSS volunteers also came forward to be a part of FICCI FLO, an all-India forum for
women, and made phone calls to help women achieve economic empowerment and enhance livelihood opportunities during these uncertain times. Volunteers also took part in the ‘Fit India Mission’ which conceptualised ‘FIT INDIA FREEDOM RUN,’ conducted to promote awareness about the importance of fitness among volunteers.
Despite the second wave of pandemic, the NSS team of WCC has not let go of their zeal in acting as a link between college and society.