The Clubs of WCC held a Google Meet in support of the ‘Ek Bharat Shreshta Bharat’ initiative of the Government of India, on 18 July. This initiative was launched on 31 October, 2015, on the occasion of “Rashtriya Ekta Diwas,” the 140th birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. The government's goal with this programme is to strengthen the already-existing cultural ties among different regions of the nation and enhance interaction between people living in different States. It's an annual tradition for one State/UT to be partnered with another State/UT and different events take place between the two. This year, Tamil Nadu was assigned to Jammu & Kashmir, and Ladakh.
WCC, as a TN-based institution, conducted a few events in collaboration with its clubs. This event was organised by the Principal, Dr. Lilian I Jasper. Each of the clubs came up with interesting concepts and presented them in an engaging manner. The Dramatics Club presented a video called "Quoting the quotes in style" in which its members shared and explained proverbs from the States that were allotted this year. The Tamil Literary and Debate Club came up with a Tamil poem comparing the happiness and sorrows of Kashmir and TN; the title of their poem was, “இந்திய நாட்டின் எதிர் முனைகள் ; தமிழ்நாடும் காஷ்மீரும்” translated as “ The Indian nation’s opposite ends; Tamil Nadu and Kashmir”.
The English Literary and Debate Club made a video of three poems, one from each state, read by three of its members. The Photography Club created a documentary on tourism and culture in TN and Kashmir. The Indian Dance Club made a powerpoint presentation on popular folk-dance forms from the three States. The Quiz Club presented "Facts about the two ends of India," discussing similarities and differences between the two extremities of the three States. The Fusion Dance Club did a Bharatanatyam performance for the song ‘Higiri Nandini’ in order to showcase TN’s famous dance form.
The clubs put up an excellent show and the programme was a success.